The Top Ten Things MSPs Should Consider When Hiring New Staff

1.      There is value in outsourcing your hiring

Whether your company is large, small, or somewhere in the middle, hiring is a process, and not a short one. Many companies simply don’t have the time or resources to commit to the process that is screening potential applicants and interviewing. There is a great amount to be said for assigning that job to an outside company.

Companies that specialize in hiring know what to look for in a resume, how to screen for the best applicants, and have a continual pool of talent to choose from. While many companies do their own hiring, and do it well, some simply don’t have the resources to expend, and if that is the case, looking into a hiring agency may be a smart move.

2.      The right candidate is out there….Somewhere.

Finding the right candidate for a position can require going through literally thousands of applications. Yes. You heard right. Four digits. Thousands. Of those, only ten percent may merit a callback. So your pool of a thousand is now down to a hundred, which is still a formidable number, and each one needs a phone call to gauge their potential for the position. Once phone interviews are done, only ten percent of those may warrant an in-person interview.

Don’t get discouraged at the amount of time hiring seems to take. Going through applications, making phone calls, and conducting interviews can take a week or more, depending on the size of your application pool, and rushing the process may save you time now, but wastes it in the long run if you hire the wrong person. It’s easy to see a killer resume and want to hire on the spot. Fight that urge. Finding your next great employee takes time.

3.      Screening employees is a process

It’s a long process, and one that should be continual. If you are waiting until you have a vacancy to put your hands on applications, you will find yourself rushing to fill a vacancy that could have been filled in only a few days or even hours if you already had prescreened potential talent on tap, ready to be interviewed.

4.      Companies aren’t built on Super Stars

Every employer loves to have that employee that is 100% perfect for the job they do. They are the entire package, a prodigy in their field. The clients love them, they fit perfectly into the company culture, and they are, sadly, mostly imaginary.

There may be only one person who will be perfect for your opening, but there are far more who would be great at it. The best employees are the ones who are of good character, consistent, eager to learn and easy to teach. Remember, talent can be cultivated and developed. A person who is exemplary at the technical duties of their job but can’t show up on time or work well with clients, is worthless to you.

5.      Hiring is a full-time job

See above. If you need to be working through thousands of applications on a rotating basis, consider where those man-hours are coming from. Consider hiring someone specifically for this duty. If you can’t or are not inclined to hire someone to tackle your hiring, consider how you are going to split those duties. Will you and several other higher ranking employees split the job? Will you work extra hours to make sure it gets done well?

6.      Have a Hiring Plan in Place

Know whose responsibility it is to write job postings, and where they will be posted. Know who will be going through applications and when. What resources will you be diverting to ensure that you always have a good pool of candidates? If these questions aren’t being considered, it can be difficult to identify the best talent for your vacancy. It can also lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications in your office, which, while making hiring a hassle, tend to make everything else about work a hassle, as well.

7.      Have a Plan B

Keep in mind that just because someone has put in an application does not mean they are waiting with bated breath by the phone. Even if they would really like to work for your company, it is unlikely that they have put all their eggs in one corporate basket, and neither should you. When you get ready to hire new talent, always have a back-up plan. If that perfect candidate is given a better offer or has simply moved on to other things since putting in an application, the resources must be in place to fill that spot quickly.

8.      Know what a good resume looks like

Also realize that a resume isn’t everything. People inflate themselves on resumes, so look for the following:

  • Tenure. How long were they at their previous position, and were they growing and advancing?
  • How long have they been out of work? If it’s more than six months, make sure there is a good reason.
  • Are they consistent? Is there a steady pattern of advancement on their resume?

Remember that a resume can give you a quick snapshot of a potential new hire, but it is never the whole picture.

9.      Push the benefits

Many people leaving companies for a new one cite “lack of professional development” as their reason, and as such, are making lateral moves or even readying themselves to take a pay cut. Because of this, stress the abilities to move up within your company and highlight opportunities to improve their professional skills. Mention continuing education benefits and the challenges that will help them grow professionally.

10. Build company culture

This last one is less to do with hiring specifically, and more to do with your company as a whole. New talent, especially those from the Millennial generation, cite “company culture” as one of the most important factors when seeking employment, and once you’ve recruited new employees, you have to retain them, or you will be going through the whole cycle much more often than you want.

Value your employees as more than a body occupying space. Foster an environment where employees can make connections and grow in their technical skills. Remember, if you don’t provide an attractive environment, your new hires will find one elsewhere.

Hiring can seem like a daunting task, and one to take seriously if your company is going to continue to grow. Good employees mean better clients, which means a better bottom line.



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